Hungarian readers please refer this article here:
2010. május 11., kedd
Green memoir from a vermilion noir tea
Hungarian readers please refer this article here:
2010. május 4., kedd
Shining capital - Matcha Miyako no Shiro
2010. április 30., péntek
Effectiveness of Aged Tea - 30 years old wulong from Taiwan
For example researches of the last two decades show the effects of made tea and tea infusion on blood lipids, blood pressure and other cardiovascular disorders, we know even more about antibacterial, anti caries and anticarcinogenesis activity of tea, but nobody can declare his own tea is an effective medicine against this or that disease, without evidences of composition and true and equal preparation methode of a certain medicine tea prepared at home.
As chemistry this infusion is bright, shining and yellow-brown due to the water soluble flavonols (kaempherol, quercetin, isoquercetin) Some of this flavonols goes under a transforming process in course of the years guided by fungus and mycrobas. Dark yellow colour is formed by carotenoids and chlorophyll-degradative products, such as pheophorbide A and B. Secondary poliyphenolic compounds are formed during the early and the after fermentation process and this materials, (theasinensin, or oolongtheanin found only in wulong teas) give a unique aroma and flavor to the tea.
For me who believe tea is an effective drug, is possible to form a measurement of it in the daily life. Tea is a very effective and chiefly preventive material for myself which must be completed with a conscious and healthy daily nourishment and a complex modus vivendi. If you live healthy in a sane environment, if you prevent yourself with the adequate means, if in your spirit you retain balance, peace and forgiveness and you have also fortune, you will not become ill.
Now I bring out to support my fortune a very old wulong (oolong) tea from Taiwan, it doesn't ware any creditable name, or aging dates, the farmer call it a 30 years old Dong Ding, but it doesn't look at all as a present day or a semi aged tight rolled Dong Ding. It looks like a big industry small leaf tea mixed with some young shoots twisted in small snails and needles. Judging the age is relatively simple, you see the shade of the leaf, the colour of the infusion and in particular the shade of the infused leaf. The original color of the leaves is very dark indeed, traditionally baked taiwan oolong becomes toned dun and puke in the course of the unlearnt time. I use for this tea a very slow black yixing tea pot without a ball filter. After a deep and hot washing infusion, which serves to exorcise unwanted fungus and microbas, we begin our long trip on this very strain tea, the character of which is a herbal, spicy experiment accompanied with some bitterness on the beginning and insistent flower aroma in the aftertaste.
Bright yellow infusion in the latter stage
Leaves are opening in the yixing pot
Leaf judging is important activity for any tea drinker
The pungency of this tea is good for my throat, the bitterness gives a support for my heart and venues, mold taste is antibacterial and helps my digestion, sweet taste is sign of polysacharyds, which maintains very effectively my blood-glucose level. The only fact not so good for me is sourness and some acidity particularly in forced aged, and in semi aged oolongs. 30 years ago, when this tea probably was harvested, I didn't cared about this factors, it was more important the neighbor girlfriend and much more the following match of the "mundial".
2010. április 27., kedd
Two teas, four days, one week
The tea was there surely "since the end of the high school" - it must be around 30 years old. The price was friendly respect the age thanks to the "no name, no recipe" stage. We use this tea after two times short washing at 90 Co. Voluntary or casual, this blend became very good balanced. Astringency in the first 5 infusions it presents no special bitterness and completely missed off flavor, moderate cha qi and caffeine as in the aged teas, where the potency moves in the course of the years in complex flavours and aftertaste. The colour of an aged sheng is typical dark, scarce of red, with many oils on the surface of the cup, and the infusion is deep. From the 5th to the10th infusions some sour state can be noted and the tea begin to transform in an ethereal state. From the10th to the 15th infusions the color gradually disappears and comes on the stage the infinite aged tea sweetness. After 15 infusion we can infuse the tea again and again to obtain an almost colorless very long sweet infusion. Drinking this tea and the other young wild tea we feel curated against every illness.
15 th infusion
2010. április 23., péntek
Sweet old-new Yi-Wu mountain tea
2010. április 21., szerda
New season, expired tea
Ez a tea több, mint egy éve lejárt. Egészen különleges lényről van szó, shinmatchának hívjuk, aminek neve a szezon első szedésű és elsőnek, bemutatkozásként elkészített tea nevéből (shincha) és a matcha, a porrá őrölt zöld tea nevéből áll össze. Mivel a porrá őrölt zöld tea, illetve általában minden árnyékolt zöld tea gyártásához elengedhetetlena tea érlelése, ami a matcha alapteája esetében legalább 6 hónap, ehhez hasonló első matcha termelése igazán különleges dolog és csak kevés gyártó vállalkozik rá. Shinmatchát bemutatni egy áprilisi cikkben nyilvánvalóan korai, még legalább egy hónapunk van addig, amíg megérkezik a 2010-es shincha és shinmatcha, kívánunk minden tea kedvelőnek a tavalyinál szebb szezont.
2010. április 20., kedd
Qiqiang 旗 枪 flags and spears is the name of this the tea category on the time scale of the development of the new tea buds. One not opened bud contained another tip inside and one open, fresh leaf. Very short time to pick it, and an early, very fresh tea. As time scale we can call it also Mingqian (明前) tea, because picked before Qing Ming (Clear Brightness) in early April.
This tea is quite unique and symbolize the ambition of the new chinese tea and development of the last decade. The intention is to produce very mild, fruity, sweet green which is also rich in taste, but smell and mildness seems to be more important.
This is a pre-season Long Jing tea outside the famed XiHu - West Lake, but more expensive as the real one. There are several second rank terroirs producing Long Jing and some of them has the advantage to begin the crop much earlier as the traditional Long Jing plantages. First crop in this regions is simultaneous with early march biluochun type, "not open bud" teas from Sichuan. The meaning of this tea is the same of the japanese shincha, the first tea. The plantage offers a first fresh tea after the long march winter and would like also present how this year will be. To be the first signifies a cost relatively high, this pre season teas are 2 times expensive as a high quality, but regular crop Xi Hu tea. The secondary pre season terroirs are Qian Tang, He Shan, Xin Chang, Yuezhou etc.., all in the same province, Zhejiang.
In green tea preparing there are several ways, but for this early crop teas is obligatory to use mild, pure 70 Co water, with very cautious pouring. This tea is very fragrant with fruity and floral smell, denote suspiciously green, light green colour, all this reveal that total poliphenol and amino acid content is unusual high. If you observe this photo you can see the red lines over the shape of the leaves. This means tea is very rich and strong and despite the mindful and expert handmade firing process, the leaves began to the fermentation. It is not necessary to taste it. Enough to watch and you know you will feel in your mouth a delicious tea beauty, a fine liquor with extremly strong cha qi.
Magyarul mindez részletesen itt olvasható.
2010. április 19., hétfő
A native tea in a rainy day
2010. április 18., vasárnap
Taste of the sunshine
Sunshine morning without airplanes due to Iceland's ash cloud. The cloud we have over the bizen hoihin teapot and we prepare a common genmaicha to accompany the millet in milk and rice malt breakfast. This tea is with roasted gen-mai -raw rice. The tea itself is some middle-low grade sencha. Japanese tea companies blend Genmaicha adding teas (sencha, kawayanagi), which are not enough tasty to be used as their own tea. So in some reason it is needless to search gourmet, or extra grade genmaicha. On the other hand in Japan there are very common and healthy teas such as genmaicha without real tea, or barley tea. Common people for centuries used this teas to substitute the expensive true tea. There are some temae in the japanese tea ceremony with raw rice infusions at the end, which gives a refreshing smell in the tea house. Genmaicha has this refreshing function in the history and also in this sunshine Sunday.